Publication Record
Muñoz, Lucio, 2025. Rethinking
democracy 106: Stating the structure and implications of the liberal democracy
cold wars from within and from outside using present-absent effective targeted
chaos and independent rule of law based qualitative comparative conditions,
In: International Journal of
Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR), ISSN:
2455-4847, Volume 10 – Issue 01, January, PP. 18-29.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2025. Rethinking democracy
108: Democratic and non-democratic systems: How external and internal paradigm dynamics
should be expected to work under changing present-absent effective targeted
chaos and independent rule of law conditions and competition for power?. In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 19, Nº 2, La Paz, Bolivia.
2024. Rethinking
democracy 105: Stating the structure of authoritarianism and democracy-based
systems in terms majority rule driven voting systems under biding
present-absent effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law qualitative
comparative boundary conditions. In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 18,
Nº 12, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024 Sustainability thoughts 141: Using the golden trojan
paradigm theory to point out the structure and current implications of partial
solutions and full solutions to the development problems detailed by the WCED
in 1987 In: Sarcouncil Journal of Entrepreneurship
and Business Management ISSN(Online): 2945-3720, Vol. 3, No. 11, Pp. 1-11, Philippines.
Muñoz, 2024. Rethinking
democracy 102: What are the 3 fundamental lessons learned from facing exism
movements and dictatorship threats 2016-2024?. In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 18,
Nº 11, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024 Rethinking
democracy 104: How can the present-absent effective targeted chaos and
independent rule of law quadrant-based framework be used to show how the
democratic landscape has changed since 2016 Brexit and 2016 Trumpism? In: Sarcouncil Journal of
Arts Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN: 2945-3488, Vol. 3, Issue 10,
Pp. 17-25, Philippines.
2024. Rethinking
democracy 103: How can the present-absent effective targeted chaos and
independent rule of law framework be used to point out key aspects related to
the theoretical nature of democratic and non-democratic systems, their
interactions, and implications. In:
Boletin, Año 18, Nº 10, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability
thought 181: Dwarf green markets versus green markets: Which one is
environmentally clean economy transition friendly? Why? In: Sumerianz Journal of Business Management and Marketing,
ISSN(e): 2617-0175, ISSN(p): 2617-1724, Vol. 7, No. 3, Pp. 58-65.
Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts
144: Linking sustainability line theory and supply and demand theory to point
out the nature of sustainability problems and of unsustainability market zones
separating sustainability and unsustainability-based markets, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin,
Año 18, Nº 9, La Paz, Bolivia.
Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts
142: Expanding sustainability line theory to point out the nature of
sustainability problems and of unsustainability paradigm zones separating
sustainability and unsustainability-based paradigms, Copy rights Lucio Muñoz, In: ISRG Journal of Economics,
Business, and Management (ISRGJEBM), ISSN: 2584-0916 (Online),
Volume – II Issue - IV (July – August), Pp. 167-171, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Rethinking Democracy
101: How can a general present-absent
effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law quadrant-based framework
be built to capture the necessary and sufficient conditions for democratic and
non-democratic models to come to exist and persist in power once in power?,
In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
18, Nº 8, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 187: If markets were optimal in
1776, then where did the 1987 overpopulation problem come from? Can the
dependency theory and the golden trojan paradigm theory explain this?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 18, Nº 7,
La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thought 178: Environmental pollution management markets
versus environmental pollution reduction markets: Which one is environmentally
clean economy transition friendly? Why?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin,
Año 18, Nº 7, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability
thoughts 193: Does the current move from the period of green market paradigm
shift avoidance 1987-2022 to formal circular economic thinking 2023-2024 make
sense in terms of long-term environmental sustainability? If not, why not?, In: International
Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), ISSN:
2582-0745, May-June, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Pp. 566-578, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 195:
Understanding the road from sustainable development thinking to green market paradigm
shift avoidance 1987-2022: What are the implications of this?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
18, Nº 6, La Paz, Bolivia.
Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 194: How can we show that the sustainable development
solutions to the socio-environmental sustainability problem created by
traditional market thinking by 1987 are both partial and without clear priority
solutions?, In: International Journal of Education
Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), ISSN: 2582-0745, May-June, Vol.
7, Issue 3, Pp. 6-17, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 190: How can the
way Marxism threats like green Marxism, yellow Marxism, and red Marxism
penetrate and flip the liberal capitalism model and its pricing mechanism be
pointed out using cost externalization theory?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 18, Nº 5, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 191: How to link cost
externalization theory with Marxism threat theory to point out all possible
types of Marxism threats to pure capitalism?, In: International Journal of Management
studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 6, Issue 2, March-April, Pp 254-261, ISSN:
2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability
thoughts 192: What are the
sustainability consequences of assuming that flawed paradigms are golden
paradigms? The case of the perfect traditional market, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
18, Nº 4, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 189: How can the
way Marxism threats like green Marxism, yellow Marxism, and red Marxism
penetrate and flip the liberal capitalism model leading to different cold war
structures be pointed out?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
18, Nº 3, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2024. Sustainability thoughts 188: How to link
sustainability gap theory with Marxism threat theory to point out all possible
types of Marxism threats to pure capitalism?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 18, Nº 2, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 183: How the structure
of a bipolar world where developing countries have dwarf green markets and
developed countries have green markets would look like? Which world would
collapse first in an open system environment?, In: European Journal of Science,
Innovation and Technology(EJCIT), Vol. 3, No. 5, Pp. 178-196, A.L.
Publisher, ISSN:
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 186: Sharing a
general system stability theory under independent and dependent variable
responsibility: The case of traditional market, population dynamics and system
stability frameworks, In: International Journal of Latest Engineering
and Management Research (IJLEMR) ISSN: 2455-4847, Vol. 08, Issue 10, October, PP.
71-82, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 177: What are environmental pollution production
markets, environmental pollution reduction markets, environmental pollution
management markets and no environmental pollution production markets? How do
they work?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 17, Nº 4, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 179: Can we transition from the environmentally
dirty economy to the environmental clean economy with the use of green markets?
If Yes, why?, In: International Journal of
Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), April-May 2023,
Volume 6, Issue 02, Pp. 115-131, ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 176: Plotting the
perfect market shifts and dwarf market shifts solutions to distorted
traditional market pricing mechanisms in the same plane to point out the nature
of remaining sustainability gaps under paradigm shift avoidance processes, In:
International Journal of Latest
Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR), ISSN: 2455-4847,, Volume
08, Issue 03, March, Pp. 39-50, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 168: How can the
conjunctural paradigm framework shift from the socially distorted green market
price led system stability framework to the sustainability market price led
system stability framework be pointed out?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 17, Nº 3, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 166: How do conjunctural
paradigm framework shifts work? The case of the shift from traditional market
price led framework to the green market price led framework, In: International
Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Jan-Feb
2023, Volume 6, Issue 01, Jan-Feb, Pp. 216-231, ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 162: Can we
transition from the environmentally dirty economy to the environmental clean
economy with the use of dwarf green markets? If no, why not?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 17, Nº 2, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability
thought 175: Contrasting the working of perfect market and of dwarf market
solutions to distorted traditional market pricing mechanisms to point out the
nature of sustainability black holes created under paradigm shift avoidance
processes, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
17, Nº 1, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2023. Sustainability thought 174: Using the sustainability
market price to derive the three imperfect market ways to manage the
consequences of distorted traditional market pricing mechanisms under
externality cost management, In: International Journal of Latest Engineering
and Management Research (IJLEMR), Vol. 8, Issue 1, January, Pp. 01-13,
ISSN: 2455-4847, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 173: Using the
sustainability market price to derive the three perfect market ways to correct
distorted traditional market pricing mechanisms under externality cost
internalization, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 16,
Nº 11, November, La Paz, Bolivia.
ART182ISTF September
2022 Newsletter
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability
thoughts 139: How can the
2012 road to transition from environmental pollution based traditional
economies to the environmentally clean economies that the world never built be
pointed out?, SYNOPSIS, In: NEWSLETTER: International Society of
Tropical Foresters, Recent Publications and Research Notes, Article
Review, Vol. 11, Issue 3, Pp. 44-45, September.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2022. Sustainability thoughts 143: Pointing out the different roads towards
sustainability markets when placing the traditional market model of Adam Smith
under the Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm transformation loop analytically and
graphically, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
16, Nº 10, October, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thoughts 140: How can the consequences of the 2012 green market paradigm shift avoidance move that led to the world of dwarf green markets of today be highlighted, including the green Marxism threat?, In: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology(IJLRET), Vol. 8, Issue 10, Pp. 05-17, October, ISSN: 2454-5031, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Traditional Forestry, Sustainable Forestry,
and Forestry Sustainability: Expressing Evolving Forestry Practices Using
Qualitative Comparative Conjunctural Interactions: SYNOPSIS, In: NEWSLETTER: International Society of
Tropical Foresters, Recent Publications and Research Notes, Article
Review, Vol. 9, Issue 4, Pp. 54-55, December.
Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thoughts
139: How can the 2012 road to
transition from environmental pollution based traditional economies to the
environmentally clean economies that the world never built be pointed out?, In:
International Journal of
Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Vol. 5, No. 05, Pp. 65-77, ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 172:
What is the structure of the general Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm evolution
loop when the traditional market is a golden paradigm and when it is a flawed
paradigm?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 16, Nº
9, September, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 165: How can we show that the overpopulation framework a la ecological overshoot is a subset of the most distorted market price possible framework? What are the main implications of this?, In: Sarcouncil Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences(SJAHSS), Vol. 01, Issue 06, August 23, Pp 1-7. ISSN: 2945-3488, Philippines.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 171: How to state the structure of the Thomas
Kuhn’s paradigm evolution loop for the traditional market of Adam Smith when
shifting to sustainability markets, to red markets, and to green markets under
academic integrity?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 16,
Nº 8, August, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 170: What happens to the
Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm evolution loop under willful academic blindness? What
are the implications of this?, In: International Journal of Education
Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Vol. 5, No. 04, Pp. 251-260,
ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022.
Sustainability thought 167:
How to link market structure-population dynamics-system stability framework
theory to traditional market thinking under externality neutrality assumptions
and under no externality neutrality assumptions?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 16, Nº 7, July, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 169: Does defining
sustainability as sustainable development requires alternative academic facts?
If Yes, what is the nature of these alternative academic facts?, In: International
Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS),
Volume 05, Issue 07, Pp. 37-43, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 164: How to link the general market structure-population dynamics-system stability framework to the concepts of optimal pricing, of distorted market pricing and of the most distorted market price?, In: International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS), Volume 05, Issue 07, PP. 01-08, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 158: How can the
general responsible market structure-population dynamics-system stability
framework be used to point out the embedded neutrality assumptions under which
the UN/UNEP responsible consumption and production framework operates?,
In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
16, Nº 6, June, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 157: How to link the
general market structure-population dynamics-system stability framework to the
concepts of right market pricing and wrong market pricing?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 16,
Nº 5, May, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 159: How can the
general irresponsible market structure, irresponsible population dynamics and
irresponsible system stability framework be used to point out the embedded
neutrality assumptions under which irresponsible population dynamics frameworks
like the ecological overshoot work?, In: IAR
Journal of Tourism and Business Management(IARIJTBM), Vol. 2, Issue 3,
Pp. 1-7, ISSN Print : 2789-6013 | ISSN Online : 2789-6021, Kenya.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 161: How to link the
market structure-population dynamics-system stability framework to the concept
of responsible and irresponsible market pricing? What are the main implications
of doing this?, In: International Journal
of Business Management and Economic Review(IJBMER), May-June 2022,
Volume 5, Issue 3, May-June, Pp. 37-44, ISSN 2581-4664, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thought 160: System stability
issues under the sustainability eye: Stating the market structure-population
dynamics-system stability framework and its systematic implications, In: International Journal of
Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 4, Issue 2, March-April, Pp 218-227, ISSN:
2582-0265, India.
Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thoughts
155: How does a general
perfect social market paradigm evolution model is expected to work? The cases
of expanding social markets, of saving social markets from collapse, and of the
fall of social markets due to binding economic externality pressures, In: International
Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Volume 5,
Jan-Feb, Issue 1, Pp. 205-220 , ISSN 2582-0745, India.
Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thoughts
154: How does a general
perfect red market paradigm evolution model is expected to work? The cases of
expanding red markets, of saving red markets from collapse, and of the fall of
red markets due to binding environmental externality pressures, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
16, Nº 1, January, La Paz, Bolivia.
Lucio, 2022. Sustainability thoughts
138: How does a general red
socialism market evolution model is expected to work? The cases of expanding
red socialism, of saving red socialism
from collapse, and the case of the fall of red socialism due to binding
economic sustainability pressures, In: International Journal of
Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Vol. 5, No. 1, Pp. 64-80,
January-February, ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 153: How does a
general perfect green market paradigm evolution model is expected to work? The
cases of expanding green markets, of saving green markets from collapse, and of
the fall of green markets due to binding social externality pressures, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
15, Nº 12, December, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 152: How to highlight
the four market structures that dominant component markets can have in terms of
equality and freedom variability when under externality neutrality assumptions
and without them?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 15, Nº 11, November, La Paz, Bolivia
Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts
156: How does the general
imperfect paradigm evolution model is expected to work? The cases of expanding
imperfect markets, of saving imperfect markets from collapse, and of the fall
of imperfect markets due to binding sustainability gap pressures, In: International
Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Vol. 4, No. 6, Pp. 63-76,
November-December, ISSN: 2582-0745 India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021.
Sustainability thoughts 148:
Which are the paradigm evolutions routes available in the case perfect
capitalism is brought down by binding socio-environmental sustainability gap
pressures? What is the nature of the market structure associated with each of
those routes?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15,
Nº 9, September, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 151: An overview of
market variability based on dominant component equality and freedom: What is
the structure of a true perfect market?, In: International Journal of Business
Management and Economic Review(IJBMER), Volume 4, Issue 5,
September-October, ISSN 2581-4664, India.
Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts
146: Which are the paradigm
evolutions routes available in the case perfect capitalism is brought down by
binding social sustainability gap pressures? What is the nature of the market
structure associated with each of those routes?, In: International Journal of Education
Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), Vol. 4, No. 05, October, ISSN:
2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 150: An overview of
perfect market variability based on component dominance and binding externality
pressures, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
15, Nº 8, August, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 137: Which are the
paradigm evolutions routes available in the case perfect capitalism is brought
down by binding environmental sustainability gap pressures? What is the nature
of the market structure associated with each of those routes?,
In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
15, Nº 8, August, La Paz, Bolivia.
Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts
147: How to link the general
paradigm evolution model to the pure capitalism model when capitalism is under
binding socio-environmental sustainability gap pressures? The case of
socio-environmental fixes and socio-environmental patches to save capitalism
through socio-environmental friendliness, In: International Journal of Business Management
and Economic Review(IJBMER) ISSN: 2581-4664,
July-Aug 2021, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pp. 343-355, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 149: An overview of
perfect market variability based on component dominance and externality
neutrality assumptions, In: International
Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 3, Issue 4, July-August, Pp 268-274, ISSN:
2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 145: How to link the
general paradigm evolution model to the pure capitalism model when capitalism
is under binding social sustainability gap pressures? The case of social fixes
and social patches to save capitalism through social friendliness,
In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15, Nº
7, July, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 136: How to link the
general paradigm evolution model to the pure capitalism model when capitalism
is under binding environmental sustainability gap pressures? The case of
environmental fixes and of environmental patches to save capitalism through
environmental friendliness, In: International
Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 3, Issue 4, July-August, Pp 109-118, ISSN:
2582-0265, India.
Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts
135: How can a general
paradigm evolution model aimed at capturing all possible market evolution
routes in response to binding sustainability gap pressures be stated step by
step?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15,
Nº 6, June, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021.
Sustainability thoughts 134: How can normal and extreme democratic outcome
theory be used to point out the structure of the 2016 shift from true democracy
thinking to temporary democratic authoritarianism thinking and its main
implications?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
15, Nº 5, May, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021.
Sustainability thoughts 133: Stating the expected step by step road from
majority rule based liberal democracies to permanent authoritarianism: The case
of the 2016-2020 rise and fall of Trumpism, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año 15, Nº 5, May, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 131: How can the shift from normal liberal democracies to extreme
liberal democracies be used to extract the democratic structure that leads to
the rise of temporary and permanent authoritarianism from within?, In: International
Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-June, Pp 126-141, ISSN:
2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 122: How are red market paradigm shift knowledge gaps
created from the pure capitalism angle? In which ways can they lead to the
mishandling of the expected paradigm shift from pure capitalism to socially
friendly capitalism?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15,
Nº 4, April, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 129: What was wrong with the cold war structure of Karl Marx’s red
socialism market model? Was the 1991 flip from red socialism to pure capitalism
a logical solution to its economic sustainability problem? If not, why not?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15,
Nº 4, April, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 121: How are red market paradigm shift knowledge gaps created from the
red socialism angle? In which ways can they lead to the mishandling of the
expected paradigm shift from red socialism to economy friendly red socialism?, In: International Journal of Education Humanities
and Social Science (IJEHSS), March
– April 2021, Volume 4, Issue 2, Pp. 270-285, ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 132: How can a general majority
rule based liberal democracy model be stated step by step and how can it be
linked to normal democratic outcome and extreme democratic outcome existing and
persisting dynamics?, In: International
Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 3, Issue 2, March-April, Pp 189-204, ISSN:
2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 117: How the economic science based liberal democracy model should be
expected to react when facing external shocks under equality?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
15 Nº 3, March, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 124: How are
sustainability market paradigm shift knowledge gaps created from the pure
capitalism angle? In which ways can they lead to the mishandling of the
expected paradigm shift from pure capitalism to socially and environmentally
friendly capitalism?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año
15 Nº 3, March, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 128: How can the
thinking behind sustainability based market expansions
and traditional market based economic expansions be contrasted using pareto
optimality thinking? How are these expansions linked to sustainability gap
dynamics?, In: International Journal of
Education Humanities and Social Science(IJEHSS), March – April 2021,
Volume 4, Issue 2, Pp. 37-57, ISSN: 2582-0745, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 123: How are green market paradigm shift knowledge gaps created from
the pure capitalism angle? In which ways can they lead to the mishandling of
the expected paradigm shift from pure capitalism to environmentally friendly
capitalism?, In: International Journal of Management studies and
Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol.
3, Issue 2, March-April, Pp 63-75, ISSN: 2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2021. Sustainability thoughts 111: Linking perfect
sustainability market theory to the circular sustainability based economy, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15 Nº 2,
February, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 126: Are
environmental externality management based production
and consumption bundles inconsistent with green pareto efficiency and with
pareto efficiency principles at the same time? If yes, why?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15 Nº 2, February, La Paz,
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 127: Pareto
optimality under the sustainability eye: Is the traditional pareto efficient
bundle the second most undesirable bundle on the pareto optimality
sustainability line? If yes, why?, In: International Journal of Management studies and Social
Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol.
3, Issue 1, January-February, Pp 180-196, ISSN: 2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 115: How can the sciences based liberal democracy model and the
liberal market model be linked under equality? What are the implications of this?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA
Boletin, Año
15 Nº 1, January, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability thoughts 110: Linking perfect red market theory to the circular red economy, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 15 Nº 1, January, La Paz, Bolivia.
thoughts 110: Linking perfect red market theory to the circular red economy
Sustainability thoughts 110: Linking
perfect red market theory to the circular red economy
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. If Going From Free Markets to Free Markets Is the Science Based Approach: What is Then the Model Structure, Price Structure, Choice Structure and the Knowledge Structure and Related Gaps of the 2012 Paradigm Shift From Perfect Traditional Market to Perfect Green Market Thinking?, In: Insights into Economics and Management ,Vol. 5, Chapter 1, Pp 1-17, Book Publisher International, January 21, ISBN: 978-93-90516-50-6 (Print), ISBN: 978-93-90516-51-3(eBook), London, UK.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2021. Sustainability
thoughts 130: Can green economies and green growth exist without green markets?
If not, why not? What is the current main development implication of this?, In: International Journal of Management
studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), vol.-3,
issue-1, January-February, Pp 50-65, ISSN:
2582 - 0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2020. Sustainability thoughts 116: How the economic
science based liberal democracy model should be expected to react when facing
external shocks under inequality?,
In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 14 Nº 8, December, La Paz,
Muñoz, Lucio,
2020. Sustainability thoughts 108: Can we approach
socially friendly capitalism through social externality management? If yes, how
can this be done?, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 14 Nº 8,
December, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 109: Linking perfect green market theory to the circular green economy, In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 14 Nº 7, La Paz, Bolivia.
Sustainability thoughts 109: Linking
perfect green market theory to the circular green economy
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 125: Why is pareto
efficient in traditional markets outside green pareto efficiency in green
markets? What is the structure of green pareto optimality? What are the
implications of this?, In: International
Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 2, Issue 6, November-December, Pp
108-117, ISSN: 2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 105: An overview of
the externality structure of all possible markets and of the specific market
illusion under which each of them operates, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.6, November, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability
thoughts 107: Comparing the structure of the circular green economy with that
of the circular environmental externality management based economy to identify
differences as well as to point out the market implications of these
differences, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.6, November, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 118: How can the green cold war, the
2012 Rio +20 conference actions, and the fall of perfect environmentalism be
linked? What are the implications of this in terms of winners and losers and of
environmental sustainability?, In: International Journal of
Business Management and Economic Review(IJBMER), Nov-Dec 2020,
Volume 3, Issue 6, Pp. 63-75, SSN 2581-4664, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 114: How can the
hidden unequal nature of the science based liberal democracy model and the
hidden unequal nature of the liberal market model be linked? What are the
implications of this?, In: International
Journal of Business Management and Economic Review(IJBMER), Nov-Dec
2020, Volume 3, Issue 6, Pp. 54-62, ISSN 2581-4664, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 119: How can the 2012 green cold war be stated
graphically in terms of sustainability gaps? What are the implications of this
in terms of the only possible science based resolution to the green cold war?, In: International Journal of Management studies and
Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 2, Issue 5, September-October, Pp 128-137, ISSN: 2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 120: How are paradigm shift knowledge gaps created? In which ways can they lead to the mishandling of expected paradigm shifts?. In: International Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August, Pp 267-275, ISSN: 2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts
113: How can the hidden unequal nature of the liberal democracy model be
detailed step by step?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.5, May, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 106: Can we solve an environmental sustainability
problem by managing the consequences of that problem? If not, why not?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.5, May, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2020. Pensamientos de sostenibilidad 112: ¿Cómo se puede detallar paso a paso
la naturaleza desigual y oculta del modelo de mercado liberal?, Boletín CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.4, Abril, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 112: How can the
hidden unequal nature of the liberal market model be detailed step by step? , Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.4, April, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 104: How the shift from traditional markets to red markets would have looked like had the 1987 Brundtland Commission recommended then a social sustainability fix?, In: International Journal of Management studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Vol. 2, Issue 2, March-April, Pp 127-137, ISSN: 2582-0265, India.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability thoughts 103: How the shift
from traditional markets to green markets would have looked like had the 1987
Brundtland Commission recommended then an environmental sustainability fix?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14,
No.3, March, La Paz, Bolivia.
ART 141
Lucio, 2020. Sustainability
thoughts 102: How the shift from traditional markets to sustainability markets
would have looked like had the 1987 Brundtland Commission recommended then a
sustainability fix?, In: International Journal of Business
Management and Economic Review, Pp. 110-120, Vol. 3,
No. 02, ISSN: 2581-4664.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2020. Sustainability
thoughts 101: What was wrong with the structure of Adam Smith’s traditional
market model? What are the main implications of this?. Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 14, No.2,
February, La Paz, Bolivia.
Lucio, 2020. The road towards
sustainability markets: Linking cost externalization to market structure and
price structure using qualitative comparative means, In: International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities
and Social Science (IJLRHSS), Volume 03
- Issue 01, January 20, PP 20-32.
Muñoz. Lucio, 2019. The 1991
fall of red socialism and the flip back to pure capitalism: Pointing out the
market structure of the paradigm shift from red socialism to economy friendly
red socialism that never took place, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año
13 No.9, October, La Paz, Bolivia.
The 1991 fall of red
socialism and the flip back to pure capitalism: Pointing out the market
structure of the paradigm shift from red socialism to economy friendly
red socialism that never took place
The 1991 fall of red socialism and the flip back to
pure capitalism: Pointing out the market structure of the paradigm shift from
red socialism to economy friendly red socialism that never
took place
Muñoz, Lucio, 2019. An Overview of the 1848 Karl Marx’s Capitalism Fix
Dilemmas: How a Step by Step Road Towards Economy Friendly Red Socialism May
Have Looked Had Marx
Stated it?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año
13 No. 8, September, La Paz, Bolivia.
An Overview of the 1848 Karl Marx’s Capitalism Fix
Dilemmas: How a Step by Step Road Towards Economy Friendly Red Socialism May
Have Looked Had Marx Stated it?
An Overview of the 1848
Karl Marx’s Capitalism Fix Dilemmas: How a Step by Step
Road Towards Economy Friendly Red Socialism May Have Looked Had Marx Stated it?
Lucio, 2019. The 2016 shift from normal liberal democracy to extreme liberal democracy
in the USA: Pointing out the structure of Trumpconomics, its meaning, and its
expected local and global implications, both analytically and graphically,
In: International
Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science(IJLRHSS),
August 20, Volume 2, Issue 8, Pp 01-11, India.
Lucio, 2019. An Overview of the 2012 UNCSD’s Development
Choice Dilemmas: Pointing Out the Structure and Implications of the Paradigm
Flip in Practice Since then From Green Market Thinking to Dwarf Green Market
Thinking, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 12 No. 7, July, La Paz,
Lucio, 2019. The Flipping of Traditional Economic Thinking: Contrasting the Working
of Dwarf Green Market Thinking with that of Green Market Thinking to Highlight
Main Differences and Implications, In: Global Journal of Management and Business
Research: E Marketing, Volume 19, Issue 4, Version 1.0 , Framingham,
Massachusetts, USA.
Muñoz Lucio, 2019. Paradigm
Evolution and Sustainability Thinking: Using a Sustainability Inversegram to
State Paradigm Death and Shift Expectations Under Win-Win and No Win-Win
Situations. In: Current Perspective to Economics and Management , Vol. 1, Chapter 2, June 12, Book Publisher
International, London, UK.
Paradigm Evolution and
Sustainability Thinking
Evolution and Sustainability Thinking/CH2
Book Current Perspective to Economics and Management
Lucio, 2019. The Theory and the Practice Behind the Market World that Followed the
Fall of Red Socialism: What Are the Implications of Trading Social
Responsibility for Economic Responsibility?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 12 No. 5, May, La Paz, Bolivia.
The Theory and the
Practice Behind the Market World that Followed the Fall of Red Socialism
Muñoz, Lucio, 2019. Moral and Amoral Liberal
Democracies: How Targeted Chaos Can Affect the Democratic
Process?, In: International
Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR), Volume 1, Issue 2, March-April,
Ed. Dr.Vishal Muvel, India.
Moral and Amoral Liberal Democracies: How Targeted Chaos Can Affect the Democratic Process?
Moral and Amoral Liberal Democracies: How Targeted
Chaos Can Affect the Democratic Process?
Lucio, 2019. From Traditional Markets to
Red Markets: A Look at Markets Under Perfect Socially Friendly Market
Competition, In: International Journal of Management Studies and Social
Science Research(IJMSSSR), Volume 1, Issue 2, March-April, Ed. Dr.Vishal Muvel, India.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2019. From Traditional Markets to
Sustainability Markets: A Look at Markets Under Perfect Sustainability Market
Competition, In: International
Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research(IJMSSSR),
Volume 1, Issue 1, January-February, Ed. Dr.Vishal Muvel, India.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2019. From
Traditional Markets to Green Markets: A
Look at Markets Under Perfect Green Market Competition, Weber Economics
& Finance (ISSN:2449-1662),
Vol. 7 (1) 2019, Article ID wef_253, 1147-1156
From Traditional Markets
to Green Markets: A Look at Markets
Under Perfect Green Market Competition
From Traditional
Markets to Green Markets: A Look at
Markets Under Perfect Green Market Competition
Muñoz, Lucio, 2018. True Democracy and Complacency: Linking Voting Outcome Expectations to
Complacency Variability Using Qualitative Comparative Means, Boletin
CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 11 No. 1, January, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017. Upside Down Democratic Outcomes: Stating
the Complacency Conditions Under Which Extreme Democratic Outcomes Such as
BREXIT and USEXIT Should Be Expected to Take Place Using Qualitative
Comparative Means, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 9,
December, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017. Majority Rule
Based True Democracy Under Complacency Theory: Pointing Out The Structure of
Normal and of Extreme Democratic Outcomes Analytically and Graphically, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 8, October, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017.
An Overview of the Impact of
Perceptibility on the Moral Relevance of Detectable Effects:
Pointing Towards a Higher Moral Ground
in Decision-Making, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 4, April, La Paz,
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017. Effect Detectability and Moral
Relevance Under Qualitative Comparative Dichotomies: Why Are Policy
Formulation, Planning and Evaluation Not Based On Morality Grounds?,
Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 3, March, La Paz, Bolivia.
10, No. 3, March 2017.
Effect Detectability and Moral
Relevance Under Qualitative Comparative Dichotomies
Muñoz, Lucio,
2017. Responsibility and Deep Socialism:
Highlighting the Current Road of Red Socialism Towards Sustainability Using the
Increasing Responsibility Framework, Boletin
CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 2, February, La Paz, Bolivia.
CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 2, February
Responsibility and Deep Socialism
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017. Is Environmental Externality Management a Correction of Adam Smith’s Model to Make it Environmentally Friendly and Shift it Towards Green Markets or is it a Distortion on Top of Another Distortion?. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies, 4(1): 1-16.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017.
Responsibility and
Economic development: Highlighting the Current Road of Capitalism Towards Sustainability
Using the Increasing Responsibility Framework, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 10, No. 1, January, La Paz,
Cebem-Redesma, Año 10, No. 1, January 2017
Responsibility and Economic development
Muñoz, Lucio,
2017. If Going From Free Markets to Free Markets Is the Science
Based Approach: What is Then the Model Structure, Price Structure, Choice
Structure and the Knowledge Structure and Related Gaps of the 2012 Paradigm
Shift From Perfect Traditional Market to Perfect Green Market Thinking?,
In: International Journal of
Research & Development Organisation(IJRDO), ISSN: 2455-6661, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January, Pp.70-90., India.
If Going From Free Markets to Free Markets Is the Science Based
Muñoz, Lucio, 2017.
If Going From Free Markets to Non-Free Markets is the Way to Go:
Does This Means the End of Rational Decision Making Thinking or Is This Just a
Temporary Block of a Perfect Paradigm Shift to Green Markets?, In: International Journal of Scientific
Research(IJSR), Vol. II, Issue 1, Pp. 20-37., India.
If Going From Free
Markets to Non-Free Markets is the Way to Go
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016.
Responsibility and Development
Models: Highlighting the Road of General Development Towards Sustainability
Using the Increasing Responsibility Framework, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA,
Año 9, No. 9, December, La Paz, Bolivia.
Cebem-Redesma, Año 9,
No. 9, December 2016
and Development Models
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Beyond Both Red Socialism
Thinking and Traditional Market Thinking: What Is the Structure of the Perfect
Red Market. In: International
Journal of Advanced Engineering and
Management Research(IJAEMR), Vol.1, Issue
5, Pp 546--568, India.
Both Red Socialism Thinking and Traditional Market Thinking
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Markets and Production Pricing: Using the Sustainability Market Price to
Point Out and Link the Production Price Structure of Partnership Based Paradimgs and Deep World View Based Paradigms. In: International
Journal of Advanced Engineering and
Management Research (IJAEMR), Vol.1,
Issue 5, Pp 569-591, India.
and Production
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016. Adam Smith’s World Vrs Socially Friendly Capitalism: Who Would Have Won
This Cold War? What Type of World Would Have Come Out of This Clash?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 9,
No. 7, August, La Paz, Bolivia.
Cebem-Redesma, Año 9,
No. 7, August 2016
Adam Smith’s World Vrs Socially Friendly Capitalism
Smith’s World Vrs Socially Friendly Capitalism: Who Would Have Won This Cold
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016. Karl Marx Vrs Sustainability Markets: Who Would Have Won this Cold War?
Would the World of Karl Marx Have Existed Then?,
Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 9, No. 6, July, La Paz,
Cebem-Redesma, Año 9,
No. 6, July 2016
Karl Marx Vrs Sustainability Markets
Marx Vrs Sustainability Markets: Who Would Have Won this Cold War?
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Evolving Development Paradigm
Choices: Are We Moving Towards Sustainability Through Development Waves?, In: International
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research(IJAEMR), Vol.1,
Issue 6, Pp 371-388, August, India.
Evolving Development Paradigm Choices
Evolving Development Paradigm Choices
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Perfect Green Markets vrs Dwarf
Green Markets: Did We Start Trying to
Solve the Environmental Crisis in 2012 With the Wrong Green Foot? If Yes, How
Can This Situation Be Corrected?. In: International
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research(IJAEMR),
Vol.1, Issue 6, Pp 389-406, August, India.
Perfect Green Markets vrs Dwarf Green Markets
Perfect Green Markets vrs Dwarf Green Markets
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Paradigm Dynamics and The Future of Capitalism: Who Will Win
the Next Cold War?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 9, Nº 5, June, La Paz, Bolivia
Cebem-Redesma, Año 9,
No. 5, June 2016
will win the next cold war?
Paradigm dynamics and the future of
Dynamics and The Future of Capitalism: Who Will Win the Next Cold War?
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016. Adam Smith Vrs Karl Marx: Stating the
Structure and Implications of the Paradigm Clash that Led to the Death of Karl
Marx’s World, to the Fall of the Soviet Bloc, and to the Rise of Socially
Friendly Capitalism, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA,
No. 4, May 31, La Paz, Bolivia.
Cebem-Redesma, Año 9,
No. 4, May 2016
Smith Vrs Karl Marx: Stating the Structure and Implications of the Paradigm
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Beyond Traditional Market
Thinking: What is the Structure of the Perfect Green market?, In: International Journal of Science Social
Studies Humanities and Management (IJSSSHM), Vol. 2, No. 5., May, Ed. Dr.
Maya Pant, India.
Traditional Market Thinking: What is the Structure of the Perfect Green market?
Beyond Traditional Market Thinking
Beyond traditional market thinking
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Beyond Green Market Thinking: What
would be the Structure of the Perfect Sustainability Market?, In: International Journal of Science Social
Studies Humanities and Management (IJSSSHM), Vol. 2, No. 5, May, Ed. Dr. Maya Pant, India.
Green Market Thinking: What would be the Structure of the Perfect
Sustainability Market?
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016. The Unintended Consequences of
Paradigm Death and Shift: Was the Arrow Impossibility Theorem Left Behind?, Weber Economics & Finance
(ISSN:2449-1662 ), Vol. 2 (3) 2016, Article ID wef_170, 547-555.
The Unintended Consequences of Paradigm Death and Shift
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016. Understanding the Death and
Paradigm Shift of Adam Smith’s model: Was Going Green the Only Option? If not,
Is This Option the Most Sustainable One?, Weber
Economics & Finance (ISSN:2449-1662 ), Vol. 2 (3) 2016, Article ID wef_169,
Understanding the Death and Paradigm Shift of Adam Smith’s
Muñoz, Lucio, 2016. Adam Smith and Karl Marx Under
the Sustainability Eye: Pointing Out and Comparing the Sustainability Gaps
Behind these Two Great Simplification Failures, Weber Economics &
Finance (ISSN:2449-1662 ), Vol. 2 (3) 2016, Article ID wef_168, 533-539.
Adam Smith and Karl Marx Under the Sustainability Eye
Muñoz, Lucio,
2016. Paradigm Evolution and
Sustainability Thinking: Using a Sustainability Inversegram to State Paradigm
Death and Shift Expectations under Win-Win and No Win-Win Situations, In: British Journal of Economics, Management
& Trade 12(4): 1-15, Article no.BJEMT.24697, London, UK.
Paradigm Evolution and Sustainability
Paradigm Evolution and Sustainability
Muñoz, Lucio, 2015. Did Adam Smith Miss the Chance to State the Goal and Structure of
Sustainability Markets in His Time? If Yes, Which Could Be Some of the Possible
Reasons Behind That?, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, Año 8, No. 11, November 30, 2015,
La Paz, Bolivia.
Cebem-Redesma, Año 8,
No. 11, November 30, 2015
Muñoz, Lucio, 2015.
Beyond Traditional Financial Market Thinking: How Would An Ideal
Structure of Financial Markets Look Like If We Think Outside the Box?, Weber Economics & Finance
(ISSN:2449-1662), Vol. 1 (3) 2015, Article ID wef_148, 307-316
The ideal financial market structure
Lucio, 2015. Towards True Sustainability Step By Step
Is Fine While There Is Time: Pointing Out The Unifying Nature Of True Sustainability
With The Help Of The True Sustainability Wheel, Weber Economics
& Finance (ISSN:2449-1662),
Vol. 1 (3) 2015, Article ID wef_150, 321-329.
Towards true sustainability step by step
The unifying Nature Of
True Sustainability
Muñoz, Lucio,
2015. Moral and Practical Sustainability Gaps: Implications for the Current
Liberal Development Model, Weber
Sociology & Anthropology (ISSN:2449-1632), Vol. 1 (4) 2015, Article ID
wsa_149, 317-320.
Moral and Practical
Sustainability Gaps
Implications for the Current Liberal
Development Model
Moral and
Practical Sustainability Gaps: Implications for the Current Liberal Development
Moral and Practical Sustainability Gaps: Implications
for the Current Liberal Development Model,
Muñoz, Lucio,
2014. Understanding the Road Towards the
Current Dominant Non-Renewable Energy Use Based Economy: Using An Inversegram
to Point Out a Step by Step Strategy Towards an Efficient Dominant Renewable
Energy Use Based Economy, Boletin CEBEM-REDESMA, No. 11, December 23, La Paz,
Cebem-Redesma, Año 7,
No. 11, December 23, 2014
the Road Towards the Current Dominant Non-Renewable Energy Use Based Economy
Lucio, 2013. Utilitarianism, Raw Liberalism, Moral Liberalism, and True
Sustainability: Basic Paradigm Foundations, Changing Assumptions, and the
Evolution of Development Paradigms, In: The Mother Pelican Journal, Vol.
9, No. 1, January, Ed. Luis Gutierrez,
Lucio, 2012. Complex and Man-Made
Markets: Are We Currently Approaching Sustainability in a Backward and More
Chaotic Way in Terms of Economic Thinking?, In: The Mother Pelican Journal,
Vol. 8, No. 8, August, Ed. Luis Gutierrez,
Lucio, 2012. From Traditional Sweatshops
to Green Sweatshops: Is this a More Socially Friendly Strategy?,
In: The Mother Pelican Journal, Vol. 8, No. 6, June, Ed. Luis Gutierrez, PhD, USA.
Traditional Sweatshops to Green Sweatshops: Is this a More Socially Friendly
Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. From
Dying to Eternal Economies: When Should the Paradigm Shift from the
Non-Renewable Resource Based to the Renewable Resource Based Economy Take Place?, En: Desastres Naturales, REDESMA, Vol.5(2),
October, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. A
Qualitative Comparative Way of Pointing Out the Expected Social Externalities Associated
With the Creep in Nature of Current Eco-Economic Approaches to Development
Issues, En: Gestión Integral del Agua, REDESMA, Vol.5(1),
March, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. Pointing Out
the Expected Price and Cost Impacts On Consumers and
Producers From Implementing Water Privatization Under Conditions of Income
Insecurity and Scarcity,
En: Gestión Integral del Agua, REDESMA, Vol.5(1),
March, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. The Present versus the Future in development
thinking: Towards Agricultural Sustainability, Journal of Sustainability, Issue 3, Number 3(Winter), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Full document
Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. Pointing Out the Expected Price and Cost
Impacts On Consumers and Producers From Implementing Water Privatization Under
Conditions of Income Insecurity and Scarcity, Journal of Sustainability, Issue 3, Number 3(Winter), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Full document
Muñoz, Lucio, 2011. A Qualitative Comparative Way of Pointing Out
the Expected Social Externalities Associated With the Creep in Nature of
Current Eco-Economic Approaches to Development Issues, Journal of
Sustainability, Issue 3, Number
3(Winter), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2010. Where Should Donors Place Their
Monetary and Trade Incentives to Encourage Developing Countries to Implement
Balanced Pro-Rich/Pro-Poor Development Programs?, Journal of Sustainability,
Issue 3, Number 2(Fall), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part 1
Part 2
Full document
Muñoz, Lucio, 2010. The Past
Versus the Present in Development Thinking: Pointing Out the Structure of the
Old Agricultural Development Model After Internalizing Environmental
Externalities, Journal of
Sustainability, Issue 3, Number 2(Fall),
Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Full document
Muñoz, Lucio,
2010. Nationalization as Privatization
in Reverse: Understanding the Nature of the Commons to Identify a Possible
Point of Optimal Nationalization, Journal
of Sustainability, Issue 3, Number 1(Summer), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Full document:
Muñoz, Lucio,
2010. What If Markets Have Always Been
Distorted? Would It Then Be a Good Fix to Add Fair Trade Margins to Correct
Distorted Agricultural Market Prices?, Journal of Sustainability, Issue 2, Number 4(Spring), Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Full document:
Muñoz, Lucio, 2010.
"Introducing a Simple Qualitative Comparative Dichotomy Approach to State
and Clarify Sustainable
Development and Sustainability Related Concepts and Issues”, Journal of
Sustainability, Issue 2, Number 4(Spring), Rio
Rancho, New Mexico USA.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Full document:
Muñoz, Lucio, 2010. Substituting
The More is Better Paradigm for The Less is Better Paradigm: Identifying Key
Transitional Problems, En: Cambio Climatico y Salud
Ambiental, REDESMA, Vol.3(3), January, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2009.
Traditional Forestry,
Sustainable Forestry, and Forestry Sustainability: Expressing Evolving Forestry
Practices Using Qualitative Comparative Conjunctural Interactions, En: Manejo Sostenible
de Bosques, REDESMA, Vol.3(2), August, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2009.
Beyond Traditional Sustainable Development: Sustainability Theory and
Sustainability Indices Under Ideal Present-Absent Qualitative Comparative
Conditions, En: Mineria Sustentable, REDESMA, Vol.3(1), March,
La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2009, ¿Cómo son los Beneficios
del Desarrollo Agrícola Actualmente Distribuidos: Es el Efecto Goteo o el
Efecto Embudo?, En: Ambiente y Sociedad, Edicion
Especial, No. 372, Enero 8, ECOPORTAL, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2009, How Do
Agricultural Development Benefits Actually Spread: Is it the Trickle Down
Effect or the Embudo Effect?, In: Environment
and Society, Special Edition, No. 372, January 8, ECOPORTAL,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2008. The Carbonisation
and Decarbonisation of the Atmosphere: Systematically
Linking Sustainable Development, Decarbonisation, and
Adaptation Programs Using Qualitative Comparative Means, In: Cambio Climatico, Adaptacion y Retroceso de Glaciares, REDESMA,
Vol. 2(3), October, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2008. Agriculture and Global
Warming: Should the Biofuel Route Be
Expected to Be a Socially Friendly Agricultural Policy?,
In: Biocombustibles, REDESMA, Vol. 2(2), Section
VIII, July, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio, 2008. Renewable Energy Vrs Social Needs: What Do Environmentalists Must Do to Induce the Development of a Sustainable Market fueled only by Renewable Energy?, In: Agrocombustibles, REDESMA, Vol 2(1), Section VII, March, La Paz, Bolivia.
Muñoz, Lucio,
2007. “Expressing the Structural Nature
of Development Discourse Analytical and Graphically Using a Qualitative
Comparative Model of Thinking and Acting”, Issue 16, Second Semester, THEOMAI,
the Structural Nature of Development Discourse Analytical and Graphically
Expressing the Structural
Nature of Development Discourse
Muñoz, Lucio, 2006. “The
Preservation Plus Approach: Linking Preservation and Poverty Reduction Goals”,
Number 14, Second Semester, THEOMAI / Argentina.
Preservation Plus Approach: Linking Preservation and Poverty Reduction Goals
The Preservation Plus Approach: Linking Preservation and
Poverty Reduction Goals
The Preservation Plus Approach
Muñoz, Lucio, 2005. " Private and Public Sector Interfaces: Prerequisites for Sustainable Development", In: Sustainable Development Policy & Administration, Chapter 26, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl, USA.
Private and Public
Sector Interfaces
Private and Public Sector Interfaces: Prerequisites for Sustainable Development
Muñoz, Lucio, 2004. Weak
Landscape-Strong Emission Impact Based Development: Is this the Most Likely
Response in all Countries to Global Warming Issues?, Special Winter Issue,
THEOMAI, Argentina.
Landscape-Strong Emission Impact Based Development
Muñoz, Lucio, 2003. Eco-Economic Development
Under Social Constraints: How to Redirect it Towards Sustainability?,
In: THEOMAI, Issue # 8, October, Argentina
Development Under Social Constraints: How to Redirect it Towards
Eco-Economic Development Under Social Constraints:
How to Redirect it Towards Sustainability?
Eco-Economic Development Under Social Constraints: How to Redirect it Towards Sustainability?
Muñoz, Lucio, 2003. Building the
Basic Foundations of Global Sustainability, Sustainability Outlook, Warren Flint(PhD)(Ed), Issue 29/July, Washington DC, USA
Building the Basic Foundations of Global
the Basic Foundations of Global Sustainability
the Basic Foundations of Global Sustainability
Muñoz, Lucio, 2003. Linking
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IIG International Institute of Governabilidad—The Case of Agenda 21
Muñoz, Lucio, 2003. “Stakeholders,
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Stakeholders, Attitudes, and Sustainability: The Need
for Attitude Convergence
Muñoz, Lucio, 2002. Non-Traditional Research Methods and Regional Planning Needs in Developing Countries: Is There An Ideal Methodology?, In: THEOMAI, Issue 6, Second Semester, Argentina
Research Methods and Regional Planning Needs in Developing Countries
Muñoz, Lucio, 2002.
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Maximization, Partial Regulation, and System
Dominance: Can They Be Drivers of True Sustainability?
Muñoz, Lucio, 2002. “Are We
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Issue 16, November 13, Warren Flint(PhD)(Ed),
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Are We Appropriately Assigning Causes to Global
Are We Appropriately Assigning Causes to Global
Muñoz, Lucio, 2002. "The Meso-American Biological Corridor and
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The Meso-American Biological Corridor and Regional
The Meso-American Biological Corridor and Regional
Muñoz, Lucio, 2001. The Search for Equity in Access to Land in Latin
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The Search for Equity in Access to Land in Latin
The Search for Equity in Access to Land in Latin
Muñoz, Lucio, 2001. The Traditional Market and the Sustainability Market: Is the Perfect Market Sustainable?, In: The International Journal on Economic Development's symposium on Sustainable Development: Theoretical and Pragmatic Issues, Gedeon M. Madacumura and Desta Mebratu, PhD(Eds), Vol. 3, No. 4, Elizabethtown, PA, USA.
The Traditional Market and the Sustainability Market: Is the Perfect Market Sustainable?
Traditional Market and the Sustainability Market: Is the Perfect Market
the perfect market sustainable?
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Muñoz, Lucio, 2000. Unprotected
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No. 2, Argentina
Muñoz, Lucio, 2000. " An Overview of Some of the Policy Implications
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An Overview of Some of the Policy Implications of the
Eco-Economic Development Market
ART 45
Muñoz, Lucio, 2000. Rationality,
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Rationality, Responsibility, and
Rationality, Responsibility, and Sustainability:
When Can Human Behaviour Have a Chance to Be Sustainable
ART 16
Muñoz, Lucio, 1999. Understanding
Sustainability Versus Sustained Development by Means of a WIN Development
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September, USA.
Understanding Sustainability
Versus Sustained Development
Sustainability Versus Sustained development
Understanding Sustainability Versus Sustained Development by Means of a
WIN Development Model